Thursday, December 25, 2008

Minneapolis, Minnesota

John and I flew in to Minneapolis, Minnesota on Dec. 14. It was really really cold. The temperature never got above -2 F while we were there. The windchill was -30 oF to -50 oF!!! We spent some time walking the skyway system that connects the downtown buildings. Here's a picture from one of the skyways:

We wanted to walk all the way from our hotel to the Mississippi river. It didn't look too bad on the map; only a couple of blocks outside. But when the windchill is -50F, it doesn't take long for you to freeze. We made it to the river and took a couple of pictures. We made it back to the skyway system with out freezing off any body parts. Then my parents met us for lunch before bringing us back to Prairie du Chien.

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This is where Groningen is