Friday, December 5, 2008

Bike Tour

A couple of days ago it was sunny. It's cloudy 6 days out of 7 around here. I went on a 25 KM (14ish miles) around Groningen. Here are some pictures I took along the way. I followed a route that was made by the tourist office (the VVV). Most of my descriptions will come from the pamphlet.

Left: Wallhouse. It's a private house designed by an american architect, John Hejduk. Architect lovers from around the world come to admire it. It's on the shore of a nice lake.
Right: Trompburg Bridge. This is a rare cast iron swing bridge. It's wide enough for 2 bikes to pass and not much else.

Left: You guess what this sign means.
Right: Row of houses along the street. Kinda sorta reminded me of Comm. Ave. in Boston.

Scenes from the Noorderplatsoen (park). This is a elongated park in the northern part of the city, is located on the spot where the city's ramparts were constructed in the 17th century. I'm not sure what the door on the right leads too. There was a sign in dutch explaining it, but I couldn't figure it out.

More scenes from the Noorderplatsoen. On the right there was a lady feeding the birds.

This is where the "most beautiful public toliet"used to be. It seems to be getting repaired or removed. Public urinals are much more prevelant in the Netherlands than in the states.

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This is where Groningen is