Saturday, February 7, 2009

Inburgering pt. 2

I had my dutch assessment on Wednesday.  John didn't have to come with me after all to translate.  The person doing my test spoke good enough english that we could figure it out together.  They wanted to evaluate how well I could listen, speak, write, and  read dutch.  I didn't really do too well on that part, but that wasn't a big surprise.  

They also wanted to find out what I knew about dutch society.  Most of those questions were about how to set up your house; like who do I call for telephone, gas and electric, schools, driver license, and all that sort of stuff.  Most of it was pretty logical. 

I also had to take an intelligence test of sorts.  Each part had an example question and answer and then I had to figure out each problem.  Most of it was about finding the pattern in a series of numbers or letters and then filling in the missing piece.  It wasn't too difficult.  

My assessor will write a report and then send it to my contact at the inburgering office.  He will then send me a letter telling me what to do.  I have no idea of what the time line is. Hopefully I can start pretty soon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those crazy dutch....sounds like a huge PITA


This is where Groningen is