Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ice Skating

Last Sunday John and I participated in a great Dutch tradition.  We skated on a nearby lake, Hoornse Meer.  The winter has been chilly enough to freeze a lot of the local lakes, ponds, and canals.  There were lots of people out on the lake. The dutch are crazy about skating.  The news said that skating shops were making restocking runs to the warehouses 3 or 4 times a day.  It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for skating.  I started out a bit shaky, but by the end of the 5.5 mile trek, I was a pro and even passed a couple people. 

Here's a shot of the lake.  There was an unofficial track around the lake.

 These are all the bikes of the people ice skating.
There were lots of kids being hauled around by sled.  We saw one kid sleeping on the sled. 
Proof that john and i were skating:
 There was a guy who biked out to the middle of the lake and sold soup and little pieces of cake. It was tasty.
Wrapping up after a day of skating; and eating a sausage along the way.  There was a restaurant that was selling sausages and hot drinks along the shore. 
A view of a windmill.  We biked past this windmill on another nice day (see my previous posts)

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This is where Groningen is