Friday, March 26, 2010


John and I spent a couple days at the small coastal resort town of Schevening.  Schevening is a part of the Dutch city, Den Haag (aka The Haag).  Schevening is very difficult for non-dutch people to say.  There's a story that the dutch figured out who was a dutch impostor (aka german) by asking them to pronounce Schevening durring WWII. We were there during the off-season.  

Here's a picture of our hotel (white house-like structure directly to the right of the spire).  It was a older family-owned hotel.  The lobby was decorated in the "old" style and was crammed with stuff. 

The view from our room looking right and left.  On the right is a big pier that has some little shops.  At the end of the pier is a casino, bungy jump tower, and a profetjes shop.

A view of the beach from the top of the dunes.  There were lots of beach side restaurants to choose from.  John on the beach.  It was pretty windy, but not too chilly. 

During WWII, the germans built a lot of forts along the coast.  We came across several in the dunes by Schevening. They were all bricked up and closed, so we couldn't get inside. 
L:  You can make out some of the forts in the dunes R: John on top of a fort

L:  A close up of one of the forts  R:  The dunes and you can see 2 of the forts. 

L:  A view of the top of a fort looking towards the pier R:  and a view towards the pier and hotel area

L:  A fishing boat that seemed too close to the shore R:  a view of the dunes with the German Forts

A view of the pier.  The big part at the end is a casino. 

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This is where Groningen is