Thursday, October 30, 2008

map of groningen

Here's where Groningen is. This is a wikipedia link to info about Groningen:

I'm homeless

Last night I became homeless. I moved out of my apartment. The Salvation Army came in the morning to take some clothes and other random items to sell in their stores. I managed to pack all my belongings into two big suitcases, one small suitcase, and a laundry basket. My road bike also got to stay with me. I will be staying with my friend Art until I leave for the Netherlands. He was kind enough to let me stay in his spare room. He helped me pack all my worldly possessions into his scion hatchback. It was very liberating to get rid of all my stuff. I can start fresh with John. I think it will be fun. This weekend I’m off to visit my family and friends in WI. I’m looking forward to that.

Monday, October 27, 2008

I think i'm ready to go!

Tonight I packed up all my clothes again.  I ended up repacking my stuff four times!  I'm down to 2 big suitcases and 1 carryon.  I will ship two boxes to John and one more box to WI.  I will be temporarily homeless for one and a half weeks, until I fly to The Netherlands.  I'm fortunate to have a couple good friends who volunteered a space at their places.  One of my work friends is letting me stay in his spare bedroom, so YAY!!!! I continue to be amazed at how well everything seems to be working out.  I hope it continues to go well.  I'm looking forward to going to WI Friday and seeing my family and good friends.  

Saturday, October 25, 2008

2 weeks left in USA

I have 2 more weeks left in Boston. I sent a bunch of stuff off to Wisconsin for safekeeping. I'm almost ready to go to the Netherlands. Yay!! Tonight I met up with a few friends to eat Tapas at Tapeo on Newbury Street in Boston. It was fun to see everyone (Left to Right: Ed, Ruth, Me, Rachel).


This is where Groningen is