Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Last Friday our new kitchen was installed.  John and I worked all day saturday to finish it up and put away everything.  We still have one empty cabinet to fill up. :)

Here's a view from the doorway of the kitchen looking at where our old sink was.  now it's our stove top with a recirculating hood.  The fridge is on the right with our combioven  on top.  to the side of the fridge is a pullout cabinet.  
Here's a view looking towards the pantry.  you can see the stovetop and a bit of the new laminate flooring.  under the stove we have two big drawers. I stood in the drawer at the kitchen store, but i don't really want too with our drawer ;)

A look towards the window.  before there wasn't anything there except the radiator and some cabinets that  John had.  Now we have a nice sink and a DISHWASHER!!!!!  I love the dishwasher.  You can also see how much more counter space we have.  i think we quadrupled the amount of space we have. 
This is a view towards the doorway.  On the left is where our fridge used to be.  and on the right is our new fridge with a better view of the nifty slide out cabinet.  i think they call  it a pharmacy cabinet. 

Signs of Spring!!

Last weekend I spied several signs of spring.  We found some spring flowers in a Groningen park.  These little flowers were yellow, white, pink, and purple.  It's soo nice to see some hints of spring.  

Syncom hasn't kept me busy enough, so I decided to join the local professional futbol (soccer) club - FC Groningen.


This is where Groningen is